
First Greater Manchester Recovery Tracker Survey Results Released

Date: 20/07/2020
Author: ϲƱ
Company: ϲƱ

The results of the first fortnightly GM Recovery Tracker survey conducted by ϲƱshow a slight improvement in customer demandas the relaxationof lockdown measurescontinues.

After a historic collapse in demand during lockdown, the survey reveals an improvement in salesbut43% of therespondentsfear their revenues may dip further in the coming weeks. Order books arealsostill a concern for many businesseswithonly 21% reportingan increase in advance orders as against the half that reported a decrease.

With customer demand showing improvements, cash positions have improved in the last few weeks. Businesses report that payments from HMRC for staff furloughed under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme were all received in time, whichhas helped cashflow positions.

The impact of COVID-19 on employment has started to be felt across sectors with many established businesses announcing job losses.The survey showsmore firms are reporting planned reductions to their workforcewith13% of respondents expectingthey will make staff reductions. Since furloughing of staff is no longer possible, it is likely that planned reductions will be in the form of redundancies.

SubrahmaniamKrishnan-Harihara, Head of Research at ϲƱ, said:“The results reflectthe continued relaxation of lockdown measures and the reopening of boththeretail and hospitality sectors. The economic fallout from this pandemic is affecting all sectors and all parts of Greater Manchester and the wider North West. There is still a lot of uncertainty, which is affecting business confidence with levelssimilar tothose recorded in June. This could cause some volatility and some hurdles in the path to full recovery.

Based on the Recovery Tracker results and recently released GDP data, it is unlikely that the UK will experience a rapid ‘V’ shaped recovery. Any improvement is likely tobegradual and spread over the next three to four months.

“Assuming there is no second wave requiring further lockdown measures, the most likely scenario is a Nike swoosh or tick mark shaped recovery, with customer demand expectedto return to positive territory towards the end of Quarter 3. This recovery forecast is based on current data and will be continuously updated with the results of subsequent Recovery Tracker surveys.”

The first GM Recovery Tracker survey was conducted between 29thJune - 15thJulywith the support of pro-manchester, Manchester Law Society and North West Business Leadership Teamand captured the views of 108 businesses.