
Chamber Secures Funding to Continue Helping Traders Deal with New EU Rules

Date: 22/03/2021
Author: ϲƱ Trade team
Company: ϲƱ Trade team

ϲƱ has been providing vital information,adviceand support tohelpexporters and importers adapttonew rules on trading with the EU,which came into effectinJanuary this year.

Since theEUreferendum, the Chamber has been playing a pivotal role in supporting businessesas alobbying channel,but alsobyprovidingpractical support to traders who have been facingnumerouschallengesfollowing Brexit.

At the end of 2019, the Chamber secured funding from BEIS,which enabled ittocreate aand delivera number ofworkshops, business clinics and webinars to help companiespreparefor life outside the EU.

The Chamber hasalsosecuredadditionalfunding via the Business Growth Hub,whichhashelpedexpandits in-housecapacitytomeet increased demand from businesses post-Brexit.TheChamber’steam has deployed more than ten in-house advisers sincemid-January andtheywill be availableuntilthe end of March, supporting businesswithgeneral guidance on the new rules to more complex queries on areas such as:

  • New considerations forexporting andimporting,whether from the EU or other markets(e.g.,EORI numbers, incoterms, commodity codes, transit)
  • FTAs and Rules of Origin
  • VAT
  • Customsprocesses including specialcustoms procedures
  • Customs Declarations, documentation and more

Susana Córdoba, Head of International Tradeat ϲƱ,said: “TheChamber’sin-house team has also been supported by its trusted network of associates, approved suppliers and strategic partners,who have beenlending their expertise to help companies.Thesupportisavailable to bothChambermembers and non-members.Whilst funding finishes by end of March, the Chamber will continue its role in supporting businesses as before.

“We are pleased to be working with the Business Growth Hub and continuetodevelopa strong partnership so we can help companiestonot simplyadapt to the new rules butto thrive and grow globally.”

Toget in touch withour team, please email:benefits@gmchamber.co.ukor call 0161 393 4321 or visitour