
International Trade Enquiry

General International Trade Enquiries and Services Support


international@gmchamber.co.ukÌý- for general queries

chambercustoms@gmchamber.co.uk – for customs declarations and advice

exportdocs@gmchamber.co.uk for certification, legalisation and apostille services (e.g. UK CoOs, Arab CoOs, ATA Carnets, EUR1s)


General Trade and Documentation - 0161 393 4314 (Export Docs, Chamber Customs, Other International Trade Services)

Airport Office – Export Documentation: Ìý0161 489 3170.

Please click here for the latest opening hours for export documentation customers.



Are you interested in working closely with the largest accredited Chamber in the UK and tapping into our vast local and global networks? Contact the Chamber Trade team to find out how you can get involved by emailing exportbritain@gmchamber.co.uk



Our International Trade team ran over 60 International Trade events and training courses over the last 12 months, gathering over 1,000 delegates. We welcome proposals to sponsor some of these events. Alternatively, we offer full event management services for organisations who wish to raise their profile in the Greater Manchester region. So, if you would like to run your own event with our support, please email us at exportbritain@gmchamber.co.uk to receive a full quote.


You can also follow us on Twitter:


Or join our LinkedIn International Trade Hub Group